You can find NA events outside of the Northwest NJ Area here:
NJ Statewide Events and Activities >
Submit your area activities to the website committee here >
The next open webinar will be 11:00 am-1:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The focus is on PR service that supports virtual H&I efforts. Members of the Fellowship will share their experience carrying the message virtually to jails, prisons, and parolees. We are asking fewer members to share this time, so that there will be more time for questions and answers.
We will once again be using the Zoom webinar platform and live-streaming the webinar to YouTube at the same time. Spanish and Portuguese interpretation feeds will be available on the Zoom platform. We would be happy to provide an interpretation feed for any other language community that needs it and that can provide an interpreter. The Zoom log-in information is here, and the live-stream link will be posted on the Local Service Toolbox project page when the webinar begins:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 989 0974 5931
Or Telephone: US: 877 369 0926 (Toll Free) or 855 880 1246 (Toll Free)
International numbers available:
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 879-500-6604
Meeting Password: 2020
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
JoinZoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 0180 0132
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Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
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Meeting ID: 833 6304 6671
Passcode: 2021
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 833 6304 6671
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Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom +1-929-436-2866
Meting ID: 883 9838 9296
Passcode: 177850
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Meeting ID: 994 4527 7814
Password: 2020
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+1 301 715 8592 US
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom +1-929-436-2866
Meting ID: 883 9838 9296
Passcode: 177850
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom +1-929-436-2866
Meting ID: 883 9838 9296
Passcode: 177850
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Sponsorship Day is around the corner. Every year on 1 December we take the time to celebrate that special relationship. We’ve posted a flier on and our Instagram account
Zoom +1-929-436-2866
Meting ID: 883 9838 9296
Passcode: 177850
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Hybrid Regional Phoneline Workshop in person and on Zoom
Zoom ID: 897 0159 3254
Password: oceanPR
Zonal Forum workshop – CAR Workshop is Saturday from 3-4:30 pm
Meeting ID: 872 1211 6010
Passcode: 121212
Rockaway Recovery Anniversary
Food, Fun, Fellowship at 6:30
Two speakers and clean time countdown at 7:30
Newark Area CAR Workshop on Zoom
Meeting ID: 688 420 322
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom ID: 770-435-6345
Password: WORKSHOP
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom +1-929-436-2866
Meting ID: 883 9838 9296
Passcode: 177850
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery