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Meeting ID 995 063 5227
Dial In 646-558-8656
Zoom ID: 995-063-5227
The Joint DOC Ac-Hoc Committee is a joint effort between Public Relations and Hospitals and Institutions
from both the New Jersey Region and the North Jersey Region. The objective is to establish and improve a
working relationship with the New Jersey Department of Corrections.
Meeting is this Saturday November 7, at 12 Noon.
The Zoom link for this meeting is: Zoom ID # 779 9076 8807 – Password: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
JoinZoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 0180 0132
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Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 617 9510 Passcode: recovery